General Dental Care For Dogs - Amazing Dogs


Amazing Dogs

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Sep 18, 2017

General Dental Care For Dogs

1.Chewing Bones or Toys:
You just need to buy some toys for your dogs and all they would do is chewing it for instincts; plus gnawing, biting, and it helps to strengthen their teeth, too. Furthermore, gnawing a toy also helps to massage their gums, remove plaque, clean teeth, as well as reduce stress and avoid boredom.
Note: Toys should not be made from raw hides, nylon or rubber.
2.Daily Diets:
Generally, processed food is good for their digestive system and it is also very nutritious. But too many "soft" foods will create plaque, which leads to the growth of pathogens.
Therefore, adjusting a balanced and appropriate diet is very necessary in order to ensure the nutrition of your pet’s body, provide benefits to the digestive system and the dental health. For example, dry grain foods help reduce plaque and slow down the formation of tartar.
3.Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly is also an effective solution. Here are some notes of brushing their teeth that you should consider:
Preparing tools:
  • Brushes: 1 long brush and 1 finger brush; depending on the size of your dog’s mouth that you should choose a big brush or a small one.
  • Toothpaste: Choose the right type of toothpaste for each dog. For example, as for small dogs, under 6 months old, never use fluoride toothpaste since it will damage the formation and growth of dental enamel. Keep in mind that you should never use human toothpaste as it may cause stomach irritation.
  • Finally, a dog mouthwash is always available on the market that you can easily find and buy. You can consult your veterinarian's advice to choose the right type for your dog. You also need to prepare a bone for your dog to work with before brushing.
Brushing process:
portrait of purebred chihuahuas with toothbrush in front of white background
  • First of all, you need to always remember that dental care is necessary and beneficial for your pet. Before you start, prepare for a few weeks by massaging the lips and around the mouth in advance, so that they can get used to the way your hands touch the muzzle, then pass through the teeth and gums. In the beginning, just use your hands to massage, do not use any support tools.
  • When they get used to being touched their muzzle, you can apply toothpaste or baking soda to your dog’s mouth so they can taste it.
  • Next, show your pet the toothbrush and try to persuade them that there is no harm at all. Dog brush is usually smaller than our daily toothbrush, and the brush hair is soft, too.
  • In addition, there are some small types, which you wear on the finger; this type can also be used to massage their gums.
  • Finally, put toothpaste on the toothbrush and start brushing their teeth gently.
Regular dental exams will help you to see if your dog has gingivitis. In cases of there is some mild gingivitis, you should not brush your pet’s teeth too hard, because it will hurt.
Method of brushing:
Place a toothbrush (or bristle brush) at a 45-degree angle and brush in a circular motion. Raise their lips when necessary, and brush their teeth one at a time. The front of dog’s mouth is where most of their teeth place, so you need to pay close attention to that area. When brushing the inner area of their mouth, you just have to pull their lips enough to see the teeth, do not over-pull as they will get hurt and resist you; and because there are fewer teeth in the interior of their mouth, you should not brush that area too long. You should brush your pet’s teeth regularly, about 2 or 3 times a week.
Thus, clean white teeth will significantly improve the overall health of your pet. Knowing the importance as well as the techniques of brushing their teeth will help you take better care of your dog and also make he or she healthier and happier.

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