1. Dogs are happy when they wag their tail. Or maybe not.
Yes, it’s true that dogs wag their tail when they are happy. It's easy to recognize whenever you just come back home or feed them. They will wag their tail to show their feeling.

However, there is a negative case when they wag their tail as a preparation to get in a fight. Therefore, if you see some strange dog shaking their tail with you, be careful!
2. You can't consider a dog as a pet in Iran.
There is a rule in Iran that nobody can have a dog as a pet. You can only have them in your house to protect you. However, there are some cases when people have them just for hunting.

3. There is a dog species that doesn’t bark.
Most of us think that all dogs bark but there are one species that doesn't! Let’s find out about Basenji.

They are a small hound from Central of Africa. Basenji’s characteristic is no barking. They can only snort or howl.
4. It is easy to estimate dog's life expectancy.
Anyone who has a dog properly has once time questioned “What about my dog’s life expectancy?” or “How long will they live with us?”. You can easily know this if you look at their face. For example, the one with long and sharp face tends to live 10-20 years longer than the one with flat face.

5. Cool things about baby Dalmatian.
Baby Dalmatian has a completely white fur and black dots only appear when they are 3 months old.

6. Some foods are dangerous for dogs.
There are a few people that feed forbidden food for dog because of the mindset of what people can eat is what animal can eat.

However, this is wrong. There are dangerous foods for dogs such as grape, raisin, onion, garlic or some foods that have caffeine.
These foods cause dog to be sick. You can feed them apple or other fruits but don’t let them eat too much to avoid the worst case.
These foods cause dog to be sick. You can feed them apple or other fruits but don’t let them eat too much to avoid the worst case.
7. Great hearing.
You might usually think that dog is an animal which has a keen sense of smell but their hearing is also great too. They can hear sound 4 times further than human.

8. The country that has the most dog population in the world.
This country has more dog population than China or Brazil. It’s America, the country that owns the most dogs pet in the world. The number is 75 million over 400 million dogs in the world.

9. The fastest dog.
If you like racing dog, you should be excited to find out about Greyhound. They are the fastest dog species in the world which can run 45km per hour.

10. The person who owns the most dog.
In the 13th century the Mongol emperor, Kubla Khan, owns about 5000 Tibetan Mastiff as part of the Mongolian army. Therefore, he is the person who owns the most dog in the world up until now.
11. How smart is dog?
Scientists have researched and proved that dog’s intelligence equals to a 2 years old baby. You will be surprised because they can understand 250 both words and gestures and do some basic operations.

12. Dogs don’t like hugging.
Hugging your pets seem to be a loving gesture but they feel the opposite. For human, hugging may be the way to show sentiment but for dogs, it is considered as dominance. Unfortunately, dogs prefer freedom.

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