Dog's Health Care: 8 Essential Factors - Amazing Dogs


Amazing Dogs

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Aug 22, 2017

Dog's Health Care: 8 Essential Factors

Dog has always been one of the most favorite pets. No need to mention, dog is famous and loved for its loyalty and the positive impacts on human life. Therefore, caring and nurturing are essential for this pet.
These following factors will help you know how to have a good care for your dog.
1. Dental Care
The same as human, dog's teeth also need to be brushed. You can use toothpaste for dog to keep their teeth and gum clean and healthy.
This is important for this will prevent dog from the formation and the construction of tartars. Tartars is a form of hardened dental plaque and it can hurt and infect dog's gums. Besides, dog is a species of omnivorous so brushing teeth can help it reduce having bad breath.
2. Fur Care
In order for your dog to be neat and have a good appearance, you need to take care of their fur daily. You can groom for dog at least 2-3 times a day to eliminate hairs that are lack of vitality. If dog's fur is being groomed often, fur will gain a brighter shade.
3. Nutrition
Let’s ensure that you provided them balanced nutrition.
If you let your dog eats too much chocolates, raisin, butter…, they will have digestive disorders and become fatter. These foods can affect their digestive system. Therefore, low calories foods are necessary.
Besides, don’t feed them food that have a lot of greases so as to reduce their cholesterol content in blood and help their heart stay healthy.
4. Park Walking
Most of the dogs like running. Moreover, they also love playing with you. Therefore, the park is the best place for you and your dog to play with each other freely. Every day, you can walk them outside from 10 to 15 minutes. This activity will help dog firm their muscles and gain strong bone.
5. Nail And Ears Care
Cutting dog’s nail is very difficult. You have to cut the right part-the white one and not to cut the deeper part because it can cause bleeding.
Furthermore, you should make their ears stay clean and wipe them with warm towels. If you don’t clean their nails and ears carefully and daily, their body will contain lots of bacterium which can make them sick.
6. Avoid Sun Ray Contact
The sun ray can cause dehydration or even lead to making them be suntanned. Hence, you should protect your pet by reducing too much contact with the sun. When they are under the sun and there is asphalt, their feet can be swollen.
7. Timely Vaccine
This is one of the most important ways to strengthen your dog’s health. You must ensure that they are vaccinated their first shot on right time. The next vaccination should be followed often by the description of your vet.
8. Diseases Caution
Dog can be easy to be sick so you have to prevent them from diseases as much as possible.
For example, cardiovascular disease is the most popular one. To avoid this disease, you should not let them eat high grease food. It is best to let them do exercise to maintain and improve their health.
Moreover, if you don’t want your dog to have osteoarthritis, you should add calcium into their meals.
In summary, don’t let them eat too much fatty substance and daily exercising is recommended. Don’t forget to prepare yourself the knowledge of dog disease, too.

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