Why it brings the smiles: These lil' cuties are wearing their best grins AND they're on a very important space mission. What's better than fluffy corgi butts and outer space?? NOTHIN'.
Why it brings the smiles: Melvin is a lil' rescue pup who just found his forever home, and you can tell by his smiley face that he's never been this happy in his whole entire puppy life.
Why it brings the smiles: This dude isn't just trying to show off his best grin...he's trying to get treats from mom. From the looks of it, it's working. Keep doing your thing, pup!
Why it brings the smiles: This pup knows that catching a couple rays and spending an afternoon out on the boat is all you need to put a little smile on your face. BONUS...check out his adorable lil' life jacket!
Why it brings the smiles: This woman is having the world's most amazing day, and everyone should be jealous of her. The paws on these little babies are TOO MUCH to handle.
Why it brings the smiles: The best thing in the world is seeing a friendship between a dog and their human...and this photo captures that in the cutest way ever.
Why it brings the smiles: You can tell this friendly guy really put his all into giving his human a welcome-home hug. He's even sporting a teeny little grin to show how happy he is!
Why it brings the smiles: These two may have just met each other...but you can tell from this little kiss between buddies that their friendship is going to last a lifetime.
Why it brings the smiles: These buddies are dreaming about what kind of tennis ball adventures they'll have in the backyard. A demonstration of the best kind of brotherly love.
Why it brings the smiles: He doesn't fit into his vest yet, but he can't wait until he does. HE HAS SO MANY GOALS, DREAMS, AND AMBITION. You can see it in his lil' puppydog eyes.
Why it brings the smiles: We don't ALWAYS get along with our siblings, but when we do, life is pretty...and these two prove just how adorable it can actually be.
Why it brings the smiles: These dogs perfectly demonstrated what every birthday party should look like. Take notes, everybody...dogs throw the best kind of parties.
44.The Unlikely Friends
Jacqueline Reines
Why it brings the smiles: This dog didn't know he'd find a best bud in Booger the horse, but now they're inseparable! They might just be the cutest duo the world has ever seen.
Why it brings the smiles: This sleepy beagle finally got to cuddle up to her favorite snuggle buddy. Sometimes the quiet moments are the happiest moments.
Why it brings the smiles: This old guy may have arthritis, but his human didn't let that stop him from enjoying the outdoors! Now he cruises around on his red wagon and loves every minute of it.
Why it brings the smiles: This little guy knows he has big shoes to fill, and you can tell from his puppy posture that he's SO READY to be the best at his job.
Why it brings the smiles: This little girl knows her day isn't complete without a giant slobbery kiss from her best friend. What better way to show someone how much you love 'em??
Why it brings the smiles: It might be a little unconventional, but hey...as long as your best bud knows how much you love them, who cares how you show it?!
Why it brings the smiles: This little lady might be a nervous for her first day at work, but with squishy cheeks like that, we all know she's just destined for success.
Why it brings the smiles: Not sure a bath could even save this guy, but he doesn't care...he's living his best life, and THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS.
19.The Ginormous Kiss
Kaelin Tully
Why it brings the smiles: These best friends will clearly stop at nothing to give kisses to each other. JUST LOOK AT THAT EFFORT, THAT REACH. THERE'S SO MUCH LOVE GOING ON HERE.
18.The Dog Who Can't Even Handle His Own Happiness
Why it brings the smiles: Lil' nose kisses are quite possibly the most underrated kind of kisses, and here we see it being executed perfectly. TOO MUCH CUTE IN THIS ONE. BYE. CAN'T HANDLE IT.
16.The Princess With Her Puppy Prince
Brian Bunce
Why it brings the smiles: YEAH, UM.........THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.
Why it brings the smiles: This dog has reached a level of happiness that no one will ever understand. Whether it's because he saw his favorite ball or a piece of bacon fell from the counter, we'll never know. Let's all just live in awe of his level of insane joy.
14.The Cutest Bath to Ever Happen in the Entire World
Why it brings the smiles: There's a new Simba in town, y'all...and it's the adorable schnauzer. He's so fricken' cute the other dogs ain't even mad about it.
Why it brings the smiles: For some reason the positioning of this dog's paw sends the picture into a happiness overload. Please admire it, because it's one of the cutest paws to EVER GRACE planet Earth.
10.The Mista
Danny Rocco
Why it brings the smiles: This handsome golden is clearly the sweetest, happiest, and coolest pup there ever was and ever will be. THIS PUP IS ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS, FOLKS.
9.The "Nice to Meet You"
Sandra Banks
Why it brings the smiles: Jenny the pug is an inspiration to us all. Go out, get on your bike, and chase your dreams. Don't let anything stop you, even if it's your lil' pug legs.
Why it brings the smiles: HEART-SHAPED SUNGLASSES HAVE NEVER LOOKED SO CUTE BEFORE. She's living her best life, and we should all follow in her pawprints.
Why it brings the smiles: Biscuit the golden and her best friend Puddle teamed up to pose for the cutest picture ever. HOW IS THIS MUCH ADORABLE POSSIBLE?!? *heavy breathing*
Why it brings the smiles: This is the cutest friendship between a dog and a human to ever exist. They're executing perfect smiles. THERE'S SO MUCH LOVE. SO MUCH HAPPINESS. This is the good stuff, people. Life is good. Life with dogs is even better. NEVER FORGET THAT.
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